Drawing a Portrait Series with Danii Pollehn - 1 of 2 | Adobe Creative Cloud


Get inspired by illustrator and print designer Danii Pollehn on Adobe Live as she creates a portrait series using Fresco and Illustrator. During part 1, Danii will share her mobile workflow as she sketches a character in Fresco. Then, stick around for part 2, as she plays with shapes to create a kaleidoscope background in Illustrator.

Guest Danii Pollehn is Illustrator and Print Designer based in Germany: https://www.behance.net/daniipollehn

Host Sam Peterson is a concept artist and Adobe Live moderator based in Los Angeles: https://www.behance.net/sampetersonart

Live on April 26, 2021

Drawing a Portrait Series with Danii Pollehn - 1 of 2 | Adobe Creative Cloud


Get inspired by illustrator and print designer Danii Pollehn on Adobe Live as she creates a portrait series using Fresco and Illustrator. During part 1, Danii will share her mobile workflow as she sketches a character in Fresco. Then, stick around for part 2, as she plays with shapes to create a kaleidoscope background in Illustrator.

Guest Danii Pollehn is Illustrator and Print Designer based in Germany: https://www.behance.net/daniipollehn

Host Sam Peterson is a concept artist and Adobe Live moderator based in Los Angeles: https://www.behance.net/sampetersonart

Live on April 26, 2021
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Adobe Live
San Jose, CA