Banner profilu uživatele Tracy F
Profil Tracy F

Tracy F

Najmout osobu Tracy

4 placené projekty na platformě Behance
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Prémiové projekty
Freelance UX
Freelance UX

Od US$8,990

Will come up with some awesome UX designs for your application! I can do it all. Come find out.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 3 revisions

Product Photography
Product Photography
Product Photography

Od US$1,200

Concepting, photo shoot, photo editing, with hi-res photos delivered at the end.

Within 1-2 weeks

4 concepts, 1 revision

Adorable Illustrations
Adorable Illustrations
Adorable Illustrations

Od US$199

Adorable illustrations, max of 5.

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 1 revision